Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I have a little problem...

It's called baby hunger. That doesn't mean that I want to eat babies, it just means that I want one! I think it is a real diagnos-able problem, you even take pills to cure it, called birth control. Except for what about the mental aspect of baby hunger? Are there pills for that? Why does everybody around me talk about babies? Even at work, today everybody was talking about when they had their kids, and were pulling out baby pictures. Abbie is having her baby soon, and I thought that would help me with my problem, but I have a feeling it is only going to get worse. You see, when I honestly, truthfully think about having kids right now, it is scary! But... I have wanted to be a mom my whole life, and it is just hard to be patient for the right time. The right time isn't going to be soon, in reality, but can we just humor me for the time being, and look at baby pictures of me and Jake, and imagine how cute our kids could turn out? Thank you, blogspot, for your time, and for letting me vent. Love, Kelci

1 comment:

Suzee said...

Cute pictures! You both were darling babies. No wonder that you are both such cuties! There is only one cure for baby need to have one of your own, or borrow one of mine!!